Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Self worth linked to Boob size & Dress size...

How many young girls today have learned they are valued in society for their bra size and dress size? When you get down to it - girls are learning their value is based on their 'sexiness factor' above all else.

According to Dr. Karyn Gordon, for every 1 negative message a girl sees/hears it requires 7 positive messages to override the negative one. That is a lot of positives required, especially since the average girl sees approx 400 images of what is considered beautiful and desirable in the media A DAY - WE HAVE SOME WORK TO DO to correct the messages.

How many times does a girl receive negative input about her body and appearance at school from her peers?
How many times does a daughter hear her mother complain about her own body?
How many times does a father comment on a woman's body in front of his daughter? What message is that sending to her?

What are you doing to counter act this to help her self-esteem, sense of self worth and true value? My documentary on this topic and solutions is now available on DVD.

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